Australian Clay Target Association logo

New South Wales

Contact Details

Secretary - Beth Hamilton 0423 214 498
Mailing Address: PO Box 1361 Nowra NSW 2541

Ground Location: 12kms West of Tomerong on Turpentine Rd.

Contact Form

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Map and Miscellaneous Information

Map and Miscellaneous Information:

Secretary: Beth Hamilton Ph 0423 214 498
DTL: 4th Sunday of the Month 9am for 9.30am
SKEET: Saturday of the weekend of the 2nd Sunday 12md for 12.30pm
SPORTING/FIELD: 2nd Sunday of the Month 9am for 9.30am

Club Location: Turpentine Rd, 12km West of Tomerong

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Call the National Office

02 6938 2121